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Name: ElandilClau

Age: 18

Speaks: English, French, Polish, Serbian

Sex: female

Room Info: Hi! My name is Odella, and my life is filled with movement and creativity. Since I was 18 years old, I have been on the dance floor, where every step is an expression of my emotions and passions. Dancing is not just a hobby, it is my soul, my form of self-expression, my place where I feel free. But that's only one side of me. Besides dancing, my heart beats for fashion design. When I'm not on stage, I'm passionate about creating new images, playing with fabrics, shapes and textures. My designs are my story, my fantasy, my opportunity to bring something unique and beautiful to the fashion world. So if you see me, most likely, I am either immersed in dancing, trying to convey emotions through movement, or at the sewing machine, turning my ideas into reality. For me, life is an art, and I enjoy every moment of this amazing journey


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