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Andres Dreamer on

Name: Andres Dreamer

Age: 19

Speaks: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian

Sex: male

Room Info: **Welcome, I'm glad to know that you want to know more about me**I am Andres, an adventurous teenager, without limits, in search of new experiences and eager to explore the whole world.I have knowledge of all types of shows, I am a young but malleable boy, I learn quickly and above all I am a professional in doing anythingI am passionate about art, physics, science, anthropology, sociology, etymology, astronomy, gastronomy and of course I cannot leave behind my love of video gamesI love sports like swimming and soccerClassification of shows that you can enjoy with me**1. Bdsm (Bondage, Disipline, [more]

Andres Dreamer

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