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Friend Love Rock N Roll on

Name: Friend Love Rock N Roll

Age: 33

Speaks: English, Russian

Sex: male

Room Info: The paths of two people...two livesOne day they cross pathsCould it have been different?-So many people..So many ways...We could have been born in different eras...centuries or even millenniaWe could speak different languages...We could live on different continents...We might never meet*Could we?*So many people..More than 8 billion people..........## **we have found each other**............You, Iour communication*beginning*I like it*warmth.. like plucking the keys of an airy piano.. light and pleasant in the background.. notes of the evening.. cozy lights of an old beloved city.. somewhere there is a violin.. it turns out she knows how not to be sad..**what do you hear?*look deepergo [more]

Friend Love Rock N Roll

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